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We provide integrated services for public and private customers. The scope of our offer is very wide. Our 20 years of experience allow us to create solutions that respond to the various requirements of our customers.

Our company’s organizational culture focused on finding solutions, continuous staff training and management independence make our customers appreciate working with us.

The services offered by the Rekeep Polska Group can be divided into two main areas

Specialist services – cleaning, assistance in taking care of patients, services related to the maintenance of external areas, reception desk service, specialized cleaning of production lines in food plants, medical transport, medical security of mass events.

Catering services – meal preparation, diet creation, running staff canteens, buffets in hospitals and nursing homes, distribution of prepared meals.

Rekeep was one of the first groups operating on the integrated facility management market in Poland, and today it is one of the leading Polish operators, as well as one of the main sector players at the European level.