We would like to inform you that our Company takes part in the next edition of ‘Gwarant Czystości i Higieny’ (Guarantee of cleanness and hygiene) programme which is organised by Polish Cleaning Chamber of Commerce. In May 2021, we have been audited by TÜV Rheinland Poland auditor and we have received a very high result. For the ninth time, we have received ‘Gwarant Czystości i Higieny’ certificate (Guarantee of cleanness and hygiene) as regards both general and medical cleaning services.
‘Gwarant Czystości i Higieny’ certificate (Guarantee of cleanness and hygiene) is an auditing and certification programme of TÜV Rheinland Poland and Polish Cleaning Chamber of Commerce, it has been active in Poland for 15 years now and it is the only such programme in our country.
‘Gwarant Czystości i Higieny’ certificate (Guarantee of cleanness and hygiene) serves as a confirmation of our professional performance and it allows us to cooperate with those who are the best in our field.